Saturday, May 10, 2008
Alaska 2008
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Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22 Sunday May 11
Depart airport 2 AM Monday morning ADT.
Photo taken in Anchorage at Earthquake Park.
Denali is actually visable on the right.
5/6 Nieces arrive at our house to cat sit.
5/12 bh & hh arrive home....NO cat
5/13 alarm does not go off; bh & hh start driving to Chicago at 8:50 for bh 9:30 teeth cleaning appointment. lunch at Pad Thai with nieces
hh does not feel good.......NO cat
5/14 4 am hh diarhea and vomiting...thinks the lettuce at lunch was e coli
hh sleeps all day......NO cat
5/15 hh sleeps all morning. Nieces in the city; bh & hh go out for dinner
all arrive home @ 6:30........CAT ON PORCH
5/16 6:15 bh and niece 1 depart for OHare.
9:30 bh, hh, & niece 2 depart for OHare.
1 PM bh & hh at prairie. hh naps most of afternoon. bh sprays weeds
6 PM bh to Dixon to buy immodium for hh
10 PM bh diarhea and vomiting
5/17 bh sleeps all day. hh sprays weeds
5/18 bh & hh spray weeds all day.
bh foolishly eats dinner => more diarhea
Day 21 Saturday May 10
Arts & Crafts Market Anchorage :
Once it is actually spring there will be a farmers market.
Today is the first market of the year, so only t-shirts, crafts, and food with an Alaska twist.
Lunch at F Street station: Hank had to go back for the fried halibut.
In the afternoon we hiked part of a bicycle trail in Anchorage .
It is along the Cook Inlet by the airport and Earthquake Park.
This is 2 or 3 miles southwest of the trail location where the previous shots of earthquake terrain were taken.
Still only hints of green and some equisetum (horsetail) sprouts.
We drove out for one last look at Turnagain Arm and the incoming tide. But again, no bore tide today. McHugh Creek has a great parking spot and overlook with the ubiquitous bear message.
Moose just off the long runway at Anchorage International. Gives you a nice feeling about taking off from there.
Daily moose count: 2
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day 20 Friday May 9
It does sell gold nuggets and Alaska commemerative coins.
Mammals in Alaska Movie: narration by a kid; very cute.
Flattop Mountain: just east of Anchorage in the Chugach Mountains.
Guess what? The parking lot is ploughed; the trails are closed.. there's still FEET of snow! But you can see Anchorage from here.
Alaska Botanic Garden
Nothing to see here except signs and a big fence. Only thing green is the spruce and some moss.
Signs also warn that you should watch for dog sleds , moose, and bear. And please report the time and location of any moose. Note the large fence surrounding the area. Click on the photo to see Iditarod Trail sign.
Yes he is inside the fence. Yes he is standing next to a sign that says be aware of bears. Yes it is late in the day. Yes we are walking faster now.
Moose count for today : 2
Day 19 Thursday May 8
Seward ......on the water, glaciers and whales
Dall porpoise
1/2 second of a gray whale
3 kinds of cormorants
Goat & bald eagles looking for kids for lunch in the same shot.
sea lions
sea otters
Gulls and Ranger Tom, who commented 4 or 5 times "I can't believe you stayed outside the whole trip." (It was cold and rainy.)
The 1964 earthquake wiped out much of the towns of Valdez and Seward. Lots of the damage was due to the tsunami.
However right up the shoreline from where the docks were obliterated, all the tourist stuff is rebuilt right at the waterline.
Exit Glacier
This glacier is just north of Seward and is part of Fijord National Park.
You can walk right up onto it. Except not now. The road is not plowed and the trail is covered with 3 feet of snow. The visitor ranger center suggests hiking in on snowshoes.
Day 18 Wednesday May 7
Anchorage....across the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet
Alaska Aviation Museum. They have several flyable planes that they have rebiult. They were finishing one the day that we were there that they had been working on for more than three years. Got to talk to the guys doing the work. Very intertesting. The museum is on a lake beside the Anchorage International Airport. The lake has the most water take-offs and landings of any lake in the world.
Lunch at White Spot: haddock sandwiches.
12 seats at the counter; 10 seats at tables.
Haddock was breaded and fried before our very eyes.
Fresh cut french fries cooked after we ordered.
Earthquake Park
Large chunks of Anchorage slid into the ocean in the 1964 earthquake.
Really quite impressive. An 8,000 foot long section of this "bluff" along the Cook Inlet slid into the bay...with its subdivision.
This is what the area now looks like.
Nice pair of sandhill cranes feeding on mudflats at low tide in the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet
Bought a bear bell and a Ginger toy at the Anchorage REI.
Carl still does not have running water or indoor plumbing ;-)
Moose count today: zero.
Day 17 Tuesday May 6
It has lots of scenic overlooks and an interesting law.
If there are more than 5 cars in a group, the lead vehicle is REQUIRED to pull over and allow the others to pass.
The Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet has a bore tide. The moon phase was never correct while we were there to see it. So this shot is just the normal tide going out; which was very impressive.
Dall sheep count: 4 And several visible on subsequent drives in this area.
Avalanche chutes: a gazillion
Beluga whales: local guy told us we were seeing them. We were skeptical.
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center: mostly animals left unattended as babies and not socialized to hunt or survive in the wild.
3 brown bears
3 black bears
4 adult musk ox; 2 babies less than 10 days old
(reintroduced to Alaska from Greenland)
10 wood bison: big formal reintroduction to Alaska project
7 caribou
3 moose
10 elk
2 black tail deer (only smaller deer are Florida deer)
2 great horned owls
lunch Silver Tip Cafe in Girdwood .......great chicken wild rice soup and haddock sandwich
supper Double Musky Inn in Girdwood .....rated among top ten restaurants in US by Food Network. salmon au poivre and garlic seafood pasta
Visitor Centers in Alaska remain closed.
Day 16 Monday May 5
Our neighbor Ed is a retired civil engineer.
He built a bridge in Anchorage.
We now have pictures of every bridge across Ship Creek in Anchorage. However we no longer are able to upload photos so you all have to live in suspense until next week.
Did it take engineering skill to design these culverts? Hey it's a bridge! This is a low head dam; there's a FOOTBRIDGE across it!
Railroad a bike path.
"New Bridge..Mayor MucketyMuck, 1990s"
Ooooooh wow...4 lane bridge.
Would anyone like to buy a bridge?
"The Bridge Restaurant" is currently For Sale. Part of it has a glass floor so you can watch the salmon swim up Shipp Creek.
We have a list of restaurants where various local residents have told us that we can eat REAL Alaska food.
Visited grocery store to stock up on breakfast and lunch food. Drove around the block to position ourselves to turn into the parking lot and .....
Moose count for the day: 1........They live in the front yards in Anchorage.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Day 15 Sunday, May 4, 2008
Becky drove this morning and at about the 10th mile in A MOOSE! There really are Moose in Denali National Park.
Had a beautiful drive through to mile 30 (as far as you can go right now) then turned around and headed back. No Lynx today. But, I suppose as a follow up on the wolf rescue story, we saw the pair of wolves that we had seen on Thursday evening. The patient seems to be doing well. Here is the link to a story about the wolf in the Anchorage Newspaper.
Got a really good shot of the mate this time. Heading down the Denali road hill in the Carl-mobile to the train station. This is the first railroad bridge heading south out of Denali.
We managed to get back to the train station by 11:45 for Becky & Hank to catch the 12:15 train to Anchorage but the train didn't get there until 12:50.
B&H will probably get into Anchorage tonight about 8:30. Here's proof that they actually boarded the train.
Just so Becky & Hank know that Carl didn't let them down he picked up three fellow workers from ARAMARK and took them out to the park to see what could be seen.
First stop - Park headquarters to check in on the National Park System's only team of sled dogs. It was sleeping time for them but they welcomed our attention to them with friendly tail wags.
Pix of just two --
Next stop -- Eat Your Heart Out Hank -- FIVE MOOSE in one place.
Then out past where we had seen the herd of caribou on day 14 we saw four caribou close enough to the road to see there racks. Here are three of them.
Then a lone bull moose. Note the beginnings of this year's antlers. He was beginning to kneel down to drink water. He was such a handsome moose we should post a complete photograph of him.
So the train was quite peaceful; excellent chicken caesar salad.
bh & hh saw seven (7!) moose from the train.
And here's the context for this canyon.
Staying at the International Hostel in Anchorage. $250 through Saturday night. (Brown hat guy in train boarding picture showed up at the same hostel in Anchorage.)
Keep checking for Carl's followup blog for his summer activities in Alaska.